Saturday, 6 April 2013

Item complete - Renovate bathroom (#19)

Our bathroom was so gross I took pictures some time back with the intention of sending them to Better Homes & Gardens begging for help with a renovation.  The previous owners had done a fast and nasty renovation prior to selling and to us newbies it looked fine.  For a while.

The rusty enameled metal bath had been painted with regular house paint.  Not only did it start flaking and peeling off really fast, but as there was some texture to the paint due to the brush strokes, it was impossible to keep clean - dead skin and soap scum got trapped in the ridges too easily.  The more we scrubbed, the more paint came off!  The cracked ceramic sink got the same house paint treatment, but the paint flaked off pretty fast leaving an unpainted (but still cracked) sink.  The walls began to grow massive mold stains, and most the grout was blackened or pink with mold.

I couldn't find proper before photos but here are some early demolition ones:

And the finished product (minus a shower curtain and rail):

All work was done by my husband and myself and our wonderful father in law.  We had no idea what a massive job it was and were so lucky to have someone who has done his share of renovating before to guide us and do a lot of the early work.

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